How to attach a Gateway/Edge Device to an account

How to attach a Gateway/Edge Device to an account

How to attach a gateway/edge device to an account.
To get started, go to on your chrome browser.
Once there, search the name of the parent company and choose the appropriate account.
Before you create a new location, take note of how all the other locations are named.
Under locations, click "New".
When putting in the name, remember to keep the naming style of other locations.
For the Zoho ID go to the account CRM and copy the numbers at the end of the URL.
For latitude and and longitude, find the address on google maps, and zoom in on the location. In the URL it will have them listed, the first being the latitude and the later being longitude.
Keep the bandwidth low.
The streaming should start at 0 and end at 6.
Make sure to save it!
After saving, click 'New Backfill' at the top right.
On the left side, click 'Edge Devices'.
Now at the top right, click 'New'.
On the left side you will be able to see the gateway if you already powered the device. Type the name of the location and select it.
Select the gateway. Now you should be able to submit. This will attach the gateway to the location.
This will bring you back to the edge devices page. Hit 'Ctrl + F' and search the name of the location. Next to the gateway is a launch icon that will open the gateway in Balena-Cloud.
Wait for the gateway to completely update before you power it down. Copy both mac addresses and paste them into the CRM when you complete the pre-programmed gateway notes under equipment.